Friday, June 20, 2008

Firefly - Website - Foodphotographics is a showcase of a food Stylist & Photographer - Saba Gaziyani.

Firefly - Website - Westeastfilms Westeast Films is a Production consultancy, Firefly experimented with a different style of navigation & the client appreciated it ...

Firefly - Website - Preeta Rao Preeta Rao, Model & Actress, sister of Amrita Rao. This website is a very basic gallery of her work & profile. Firefly enjoyed creating this stuff :)

Firefly - Website - Amrita Rao Website for Amrita Rao - Actress, National Award winner, Vivah. A protfolio of all her films, her likes / dislikes, endorsements, etc. A great experience for firefly :)

Firefly - Sahibaan

Sahibaan - Oriental Cuisines a restaurant in Bandra, Mumbai, have branches in Worli & Khar. URL, Firefly treated this website with colours & elements which is depicting its USP of severing authentic oriental cuisines.

Firefly - Brochure Design - Curry Tree

Thats the brochure for Curry Tree - theme food so irresistable that you might just take a bite!

Firefly latest project - Currytree ...

Hi, Please check, a ready to eat spice mix product, by parampara foods. Here I have given major importance to the delicious food shots, which make the site irresistable ....

Firefly Design Studio offical website

Hey, thats my website , created almost 2 years ago, would love to have some comments & inputs to make it better !!!

Hey, welcome .....

Hi, Welcome to Firefly Design Studio, Firefly is into web & print solutions. This would be a gallery to my work, I would be uploading my latest work here, comments & feedbacks are most welcome :)